P.S. Prim Attachments

15 Jul

Arkesh Baral of Ephemeral Creations wrote a great beginner’s tutorial for prim adjustment. If you wonder why your hair, jewelry, skirts, belts, or any other prim attachment doesn’t look natural on your body, try the great tips found in that post. After the cut, I’ll add a few others that might be helpful to you.


Does this ever happen to you?
I saw a fashion blog post today that showcased some terribly fitting hair. I know it can be difficult to learn about prim “best practices,” but there are ways to figure out why your attachments don’t work right out of the box. If your avatar or snapshots don’t measure up to your expectations, it’s best to seek out information and tips concerning high res snapshots, prim adjustment, and lighting. But I will touch on some of those topics another time. For now: prims!

A few extra tips for prim-adjustment beginners:
1) Do you know how you should look? If there was a store poster for that item, use it as a model for how something should sit on the body—even on another person’s shape. This is vital for seeing how much hair should show, how lashes sit on the eyes, and how high or low a skirt or pant attachments should be. Guesses only go so far. And those prims sticking out of your forehead are not always fringe πŸ˜‰

2) If you find yourself frustrated when you can’t zoom in far enough to get a good view of what you’re editing (take the nose ring, for example), press “CTRL+0” (zero) a few times to zoom much closer. To get out of that zoom mode, press “CTRL+9”.

3) To stick with the hair theme, try focusing on your avatar and then zooming far out, looking down at yourself from a distance. Do you have bald patches that appear as you move further away? If you hair is prim (not sculpted), this probably means it is too small for your head, and you need to stretch it a little bit. Even a small size change can keep your skull from flashing your neighbors.

4) How big are your parts? For example, if your head is size 30, the hair made for a size 50 head will not work. Try to keep your skull between 45-55.You don’t want a peanut head or a balloon skull.

If your feet are sized above 0—and especially if you are female—prim/sculpted shoes will not fit.Most shoe designers create custom shoe shapes for you, but it’s best to stick with the insanely tiny feet since this is a standard in the fashion community.

5) You don’t have to stretch both sides. If a belt (or other like object) doesn’t fit your shape, it is not wise to do it all in one move. This makes the belt not only wider, but thicker, taller, and misshapen. Try stretching one side and then re-centering if you need to. Do all of this is small increments. One small pull to one side might solve the entire problem, if done patiently.

Do you have any suggestions to add concerning attachments?

Just ‘cuz:

Skin: Detour – Josie 3
Hair: Aden – Thema

7 Responses to “P.S. Prim Attachments”

  1. Belochka July 16, 2008 at 12:39 am #

    Great tips! Having bad fitting hair does happen with me a fair bit. I didn’t even think of using the store poster before *headdesk*

    How about a training course for fitting prim lashes though? Damn those are agony to get right, I gave up on mine. πŸ™‚

  2. stein shilova July 16, 2008 at 2:02 am #

    What hair are you wearing in this post?

  3. Chantal GossipGirl July 16, 2008 at 6:02 am #

    lol i love how you used the hair named after you as the example. ❀

  4. Thema Felix July 16, 2008 at 6:28 am #

    @ Belochka
    Lashes are seriously difficult, that’s for sure. And because of my strange eye shape, I spend ages trying to make them work. The ones in the picture above were a pain, and that’s as good as I can get them for now. Sometimes you have to just shrug and know that no lashes will fit perfectly, right?
    Oh, but you might want to check Nuclear Boutique if they still offer the “free lash fitting” service:


    Chantal handled that for ya πŸ˜‰

    Haha! Aden made it ages ago, but this is actually the first time I’ve ever blogged with it (and without the SLURL! Wow I must be so humble πŸ˜‰ )

  5. Belochka July 16, 2008 at 8:12 am #

    Your lashes are fab, the positioning looks great with your make-ups.
    Checked out Nuclear and they’ve ended the free offer for now (there’s a notecard up in the Body store). I’ll find some spare patience for mine lol

  6. Paulina Oceanlane July 16, 2008 at 10:29 am #

    Great tips! I am very impatient with prim fitting, so I have already trashed several hair styles and hope nobody zooms in too closely on my unfitted eye lashes. πŸ˜€ Some day I will fit them, when I am bored.

  7. Kanna Brandeis July 27, 2008 at 8:29 pm #

    Prim lashes – I never figured out how to make them look passable. Hair, though, I usually have the hang of. Remember there’s a bug that makes everyone’s head sometimes look larger on the screens of random other people than it is in your shape – so you will see some people’s heads sticking out of their hair till that’s fixed, no matter how well they fit it to themselves.

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